
Meridian Water (Enfield)




Transport and pedestrian modelling

The context:

10,000 new flats are under project near the Meridian Water station (MW), in the Enfield borough, north London. These flats are planned to be built progressively between 2020 and 2046. The population using the train station will increase along with the flats. Currently, three trains stop at the MW station at morning peak, six trains at the Ponders End (PE) station, the previous stop north of the line. The increase of population at MW will imply that more trains will have to stop. The question being when do we need to update the timetables?

What we did:

We developed a demand forecast analysis based on modelling data from the TfL Railplan data, forecasted the train demand due to the MW flats construction project and interpolated the demand year by year to be able to quantitatively answer these three questions: 1. When does the MW demand exceed the PE demand? 2. When does the MW demand exceed the train capacity for different timetables scenarios? 3. When does the global future demand imply a degradation of the pedestrian level of service at the Tottenham Hale platform interchange? (interchange impacted by our demand increase).

The value for our client:

Our client was liaising with both the Enfield council and the transport experts from the Railplan modelling team. Our strong technical support and a clear and thorough analysis enabled him to communicate the analysis insights in a digestive format as well as being approved by the modelling team.