
GPS data processing




Mobile data analysis

The context:

GPS data is available to any business willing to purchase it through data brokers. This data is collated from hundreds of mobile applications with different attendance types: news, online shopping, socials medias, games, sports etc. Our partner and us were curious to fully understand this data strengths and limitations in the context of mobility studies.

What we did:

We purchased one week of GPS data for the whole of France and the UK. We processed billions of raw GPS events to transform them into mobility insights: dwells durations, journeys origins and destinations, trip lengths, trip durations, journey frequency etc. We also analysed the sample size, as well as its variations and biases across different areas in the country. We found out that the data represents potentially 10% of the country population, in practice (selecting only users with enough activity to extract relevant insights) between 1 and 5% of the country population is represented, which is much higher than most surveys sample sizes and makes it an interesting source for mobility surveys.

The value for our client:

Our clients are now confident that they can partner with us on projects using GPS data: the data will be collated and analysed in a very reasonable time frame and the type of insights provided only available with GPS data.

More info at [email protected].