
Mapping and other visualisation

What OpenDC can do

OpenDC mainly uses the QGIS framework as a Geographic Information System (GIS) tool. With QGIS, OpenDC can provide communicative maps as well as perform advanced GIS analysis such as the analysis of catchment areas but also advanced routing features. OpenDC can also provide GIS training in general and on QGIS in particular.

How this service can help your organisation

OpenDC can help you use GIS features if you are working for a

  • Local council wanting to map out some geographic data about your local area (schools, public services, transport hubs etc.).
  • Research programme with members with no GIS skills and willing to add mapping features to your project.
  • Consultancy with limited in-house GIS skills and willing to collaborate on projects where mapping development is required or you are willing to develop these skills internally and want guidance or training.
  • Urban planner with the need for generating a high number of maps for your project and with limited technical ability to do so.
  • Property investor willing to map out the list of properties you own or any property you are interested in.
  • Political party willing to map out the results of an election or of a given dataset in order to support your geographical strategy.
  • Non Profit organisation needing to map out some survey results that you might have carried out.
  • Retailer wanting to analyse different catchment areas, taking into account accessibility by car or public transport.
  • Any business that needs mapping and GIS processing skills to develop your business, communicate or gain new insights.